
Friday, March 21, 2014

Thrifty Treasure Deals!

I have grown up hunting through thrift stores for hidden treasure and I love it!
I get a rush as I bespy patterns, objects, and items that form new ideas of usefulness while chucking other things aside.


Above is the Styling Design Ruler at a local sewing store full priced. I got it from the thrift store for $1.99. :D I skipped across the store to my husband to show him the treasure we would be taking home. Of course he doesn't understand it's potential but I do. ;)

Now to be honest I had no idea what this was at the thrift store because it had no label but I had a hunch that it was something great. I sent pictures to Mastermind and it was hard to see what it was in text because it is clear plastic.

She thought it was a thread holder and so I bought it still unsure of its purpose. When I went to the local fabric store I stopped to see if I could identify it and lo and behold! $39.99 for a thread holder when I paid $3.99. :D

I didn't get this at the thrift store; it was only $2.99 at the store and I was sure it wasn't worth a real thrift store hunt for the price. Not everything is worth a thrift store raid.  

I also saw this at the thrift store and it tickled my mind but it had no writing or anything on it so I dismissed it! ARGH!SRFGSDFGJSDOFJSD!!!

Seriously people, follow your hunches, guts, and mind tickles for deals. But I am keeping my eyes peeled for sure on this and some other things. Raid those thrift shops like a Viking! Take the best even if your not sure its the best. :D Lol.

                                                                    - Mrs. Feisty